• How to Radiate Cool (Radiator Care)
    There's nothing that radiates cool like a vehicle radiator that's helping to keep your engine running at the proper temperature.  You don't have to baby it, but you can't simply ignore it, either...
    Published on: Sep 19, 2021
  • The Right Stuff (Choosing Replacement Parts)
    Let's face it.  Vehicles are complicated machines, each having thousands of parts.  And since they're subjected to heat, cold, vibrations, bumps and much more, these parts wear out and need ...
    Published on: Sep 12, 2021
  • Cool Running (Water Pump)
    Your vehicle is like you in a way.  When it gets hot, it needs to be cooled down.  And one of the key parts to keeping it cool is the water pump. Now, that's a bit of a misnomer.  It I...
    Published on: Sep 05, 2021
  • What's in a Number? (What Tire Numbers Mean)
    You've probably never paid much attention to the writing on the sides of your tires, but they contain a wealth of information.  There's a long combination of letters and numbers that can tell you...
    Published on: Aug 29, 2021
  • The Right Oil for the Season (Engine Oil Viscosity)
    As the temperatures plunge, certain types of engine oil may not flow as easily as they did when it was warmer.  Makes sense, doesn't it? Just like molasses gets thicker as the temperature goes do...
    Published on: Aug 22, 2021
  • Don't Start with That (Bad Starter Motor)
    We've all heard that expression, "That's a non starter." When it comes to your vehicle, that's not music to a driver's ears. That sickening sound when you start the ignition and instead of hearing the...
    Published on: Aug 15, 2021
  • A Real "Pane" (Window Maintenance and Repair)
    It's pretty frustrating when your driver's window won't work.  You can't get your food at the drive-thru without opening the door, have a tough time using the ATM from your vehicle, can't have th...
    Published on: Aug 08, 2021
  • The Third Brake Light (Third Brake Light Service)
    So you thought you only had two brake lights.  Look again and you'll see one in the center at a higher level than the two on either side of the vehicle.  They're sometimes in the inside of t...
    Published on: Aug 01, 2021
  • The Red Menace (How to Deal with Rust)
    Rust.  It's worse if you drive in places that use salt on the roads in winter, or if you spend time driving near a body of salt water.  But any vehicle has to deal with rust after years on t...
    Published on: Jul 25, 2021
  • Poor Reflections (Door Mirror Problems)
    Mirror, mirror on the door, why is my vision there so poor? Well, you could have a broken outside rearview mirror that's disabled your blind spot vision there and endangering your ability to see some ...
    Published on: Jul 18, 2021
  • Objects in the Mirror (Rearview Mirror Safety and Maintenance)
    You may remember a song that went, "Objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are." While that was a song about life's lessons, there are a few things we should all know about how imp...
    Published on: Jul 11, 2021
  • Greeted by a Screech (Loud Noise when Starting Vehicle)
    No one likes to be greeted in the morning by having someone screech at you.  The same goes for a loud, high-pitched noise your vehicle greets you with every time you start the engine.  If yo...
    Published on: Jul 04, 2021
  • It Wears on You (Tire Rotation)
    If someone told you there was a fairly inexpensive way to improve your vehicle's handling, fuel economy and extend the life of your tires, you'd probably ask, "What do I have to do?" The answer is to ...
    Published on: Jun 27, 2021
  • A Sticky Brake Situation (Parking Brake Service and Maintenance)
    We've all been there.  You park your vehicle on a steeper than usual hill and worry about it rolling down while you're running your errands.  So you decide you'll use the parking brake. ...
    Published on: Jun 20, 2021
  • No Fountain of Youth (Aging Tires)
    Can you think of anyone who enjoys aging?  Wrinkles where you don't want them, gray hair, eyes that won't focus any more, no stamina.  Believe it or not, your tires age, too, and they don't...
    Published on: Jun 13, 2021
  • What Is an EGR Valve? (EGR Valve Service)
    If you've ever felt your vehicle hesitate, go, then hesitate again, you might think there's something wrong with the transmission.  After all, it's not moving smoothly  down the road.  ...
    Published on: Jun 06, 2021
  • Don't be Fuelish (Signs Fuel Pump is Failing)
    A driver of a large SUV loaded with equipment was heading on a 7-hour work trip when he stopped at a gas station to refuel.  When he went to restart his SUV, it turned over but wouldn't catch.&nb...
    Published on: May 30, 2021
  • Taking the Heat (Heater Hose Maintenance/Repair)
    If you have an internal combustion vehicle, you know it has a lot of hoses that carry various fluids.  And if you have a heater in your vehicle, you'll have heater hoses. A heater hose connects ...
    Published on: May 23, 2021
  • A Honking Big Jam (Stuck Horn)
    At one time or another, most drivers honk their horn at someone who might be texting at a stoplight or not paying attention when they're driving.  But what happens when you tap on your horn and a...
    Published on: May 16, 2021
  • Beware of Potholes! (Avoiding Pothole Damage)
    You may live in a region where roads become pockmarked with craters known better as potholes.  They're caused by moisture seeping through a compromised road surface that can freeze, expand and li...
    Published on: May 09, 2021